Željko Kolar
Prefect of Krapina Zagorje county
He was born on August the 10-th of 1967. in Klanjec. He finished higschool for land surveyors in Zagreb. He is married to Mira Hrbud Kolar, with whom he has two children: Maks, law student anda Maja, student of medicine. From year 2009. he was mayor of Klanjec, and from year 2011. he was chosen in Croatian Parliament. He was performing the duty of vicepresident od Parliament committee for preservation of nature and environment and he was also the member of Parliament naming committee. On local elections in year 2013. he was chosen in first round of elections for prefect of Krapina Zagorje county. On local elections that were held this year in May, he was again chosen in first round of elections for prefect of Krapina Zagorje county.