Dominik S. Černjak – Board Member at Collegium Mondial Travel

Dominik has a very rich and interesting career in tourism, which is especially characterized by continuous innovation, enterprise and determination to succeed. In 1995, he founded Collegium, the first travel agency specializing in youth travel in Slovenia, and is still addressing this particular niche within Collegium Mondial Travel, a leading organization for youth travel and music events in Central Europe. It operates in Slovenia, the United Kingdom and Croatia, and some of its successful projects are known to local audiences as Collegium Abslolventi, Knock Out ski festival, Zrče festivals, Ultra Europe, Obonjan Island and others.
He is also the founder and the storyteller at Jasna Chalet Resort in Kranjska Gora on Lake Jasna, which he develops with a special vision. With his activities, he unites and motivates the entire local community.
Dominic is very active in cooperation with many tourist institutions – he was Vice-President of council and Member of Advisory board at Tourism Ljubljana, Member of Research Council of Slovenian Tourist Board. Also, he was President of the National Tourism Association of Slovenia, where he is Vice President since 2010. He was the co-founder of Business Angels in Slovenia.