Slavija Jačan Obratov, Director of Tourist Boards sector and Product Development at Croatian National Tourist Board
She studied journalism at the Faculty of Political Science in Zagreb and earned her degree as a graduated journalist. He obtained his first work experience in 1996 on Radio Velika Gorica and Blue Radio, where he worked on designing and recording radio commercials. She began his career in tourism in the Croatian tourism community in 2000, first in the field of research associates for market research and product development, and from mid 2000 to 2016 at the headquarters of the Department of Information, Communication and Publishing Services, for destination management to the Destination Support Department. At these places she gains a comprehensive marketing experience in tourism and works on various significant projects related to the promotion of Croatian tourism. Marketing in tourism has gone through almost all levels of business such as analysis and processing of data on broadcasting markets, product development, public relations, production and editing of brochures and websites, production of advertising tools (spots, films, posters, ads …), designing and the realization of the call service, the cooperation with mobile operators in informing tourists, establishing a welcome service, designing and purchasing a souvenir program, defining media plans, collaborating with representative offices in information and advertising segments, collaborating with the most important Croatian designers, texts, photographers and directors and other.
In March 2016, he was appointed Director of the Sector of Destination Management and Support for the Development of Offers, and in these affairs he used all the acquired marketing knowledge, trying to contribute to the development of selective forms of tourism and products for the market of special interest, as well as coordination of all planning and programming tasks of the tourist boards of all level. Since March 2018 he has been in the position of Director for the TZ system and product development, and has expanded the scope of action on EU projects and eVisitor.
In October 2017 he completed his postgraduate specialist study in Marketing of Special Areas at J.J. Strossmayer in Osijek and acquires the academic title of specialization marketing special fields (Unique spec. Oec.).
From 2003 to 2013 he was the editor-in-chief of the Croatian edition of the International Scientific and Professional Journal “Tourism” issued by the Institute for Tourism and with his team from the CNTB Main Office and external associates won numerous international awards for the production of printed material, films and TV spots such as Red Dot Awards 2004 and 2009 for best poster, Best of Show / HOW design 2005, Best CREATIFES 2012, ADI Design Award, Poster Anual 2011 / Graphis, Taiwan International Design Award 2009 and many others publishing areas as well as Das Goldene Stadttor ITB Berlin / 2012, Tourfilm Karlovy vari 2010 and 2012, Grand Prix Lecce 2012, 1st Prize / Zagreb Tourfilm Festival.